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Paper crumpling
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Paper napkin crumpling
This folding is the basis of a lot of wrinkled creations. The principle is very simple, and encourages to do many tests, with any paper.

The general idea is to divide the towel to crease into four areas, which will be crumpled at the same time. The process is as follows:
- At first, we create a preliminary base with the towel, and flatten each flap, as for the beginning of the frog base.
- creases the folding by crumpling several times from the closed tip to the opening,
- we slightly open the fold by passing the hand inside, to change the position of the folds,
- We tighten the towel again and we crumple, and we crumple, and we crumple.
- The more the process is renewed, the more folds will be formed, and the more pleasant the result will be.

Be careful to crease delicately, otherwise the paper may tear.

Other soft papers may be used than towels, such as paper towels or tablecloths.

The process can be generalized by dividing the napkin into 4x4 squares. But, in this case, it is more interesting to use a paper tablecloth, the final object being easier to process! If you use butcher paper or craft paper, the result will be like a sand rose.

The next time you go to the restaurant, if the towels are paper, keep yours to make a nice fold that you leave when leaving.

1 document(s) to download

mlservfroiss.pdf Froisser une serviette en papier, 2 pages

9 photo(s)

b Napkin
Vincent Floderer

b Napkin
Vincent Floderer

b Sand rose, paper tablecloth
Vincent Floderer

b Sand Rose, backery paper
Vincent Floderer

b Small sand rose, kraft paper
Vincent Floderer

b Sand rose, wrapping paper
Vincent Floderer

b Sand rose, fine paper kraft
Vincent Floderer

Woven paper, spare parts packaging, transparency

4x4 sandroses, paper tablecloth, 1,20x1,20 m

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