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Using photo-diagrams
A photo-diagram is a series of photos showing how to fold a model. We find them in a few books, and a lot on the internet.

* Benefits of photos-diagrams
- they are easier to do than to draw the diagrams,
- they show immediately what happens from one stage to another,
- they are closer to reality.

* Disadvantages of photos-diagrams
- the photos must be of very good quality, so that the folds are clearly visible,
- the readability rules (colors, contrasts, size) must be respected.

Good quality photo diagrams can complement diagrams to make them easier to understand.

For an extreme example, look at a photo-diagram in video (!) photodiagram of Money Ryujin by Dat Link Quoc.

Some photo-diagrams are supplemented by the signaling of the origami repertoire. They then correspond to color diagrams in addition to the diagrams. The photo-diagram that illustrates the page is an example. It is due to Yara Yagi (used with her permission). It corresponds to the folding described in the « Using diagrams » page. You can compare the two approaches!

26 photo(s)

Utilizei a metade de um quadrado (2x1). Neste caso, 8x4cm

Dobre em vale

Dobre em montanha

Dobre em vale da metade vertical até a metade horizontal

Vire a ponta para cima, seguindo a dobra em vale horizontal


Dobre da mesma maneira nos outros três lados


Dobre em montanha na parte formada pelo losango

Dobrando horizontalmente, junte a ponta de cima à ponta de baixo. As laterais vão se afastar.


... até ficar...

.. assim!

Dobre a parte verde para frente


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