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  Découverte du monde du pliage de papier
De l'origami à l'art du pliage du papier
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Questionnaire about the steps of the art of paper folding

Amusez-vous à répondre à ce questionnaire

question 1 How are drawn the diagrams? only one answer 1 point
  every diagram is computer drawn
  some are hand drawn
question 2 I can sell my foldings without the authorization of the designer several answers 5 points
  because I did fold them
  because I made a (small) variation
  because he or she gave authorization on the diagram
  because it is for a good cause (telethon, charitable association...)
  because I transformed them into pieces of jewellery
question 3 There exist artitistic objects in the origami style several answers 4 points
  There exist sculptures based on foldings
  There exist folded metal jewellery
  there exist pieces of jewellery made by soaking them into transparent plastic material
  the word « origami » is used in every possible way
question 4 Crease patterns are protexted by copyright only one answer 1 point
question 5 Can geometry be taught thanks to paper folding only one answer 1 point
question 6 You need to have studied mathematics in order to be able to practice origami only one answer 1 point
question 7 Origami and advanced techology several answers 6 points
  solar sails were designed from folds
  some stents (for the heart) were designed using folding templates
  The unfolding of air cushions was simulated by paper folding methods
  In some schools of architecture, studies of buildings have been made from foldings
  foldings that obey the voice have been developed at MIT
  robots that unfold, move and move small objects were invented
question 8 There exist in France a national association dealing with paper folding only one answer 1 point
question 9 What does the braille code of the figurine stand for ? only one answer 1 point
  letter é
  letter O
  letter q
  the semi-colon

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