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Folded books
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Folding books
The folding of books offers a field of expressiveness and immense creativity. There is little technique to acquire, everything is in your inventiveness.

Download the document « Pliage des pages d'un livre » and read it carefully.

At first, practice what can be called free folding, that is to say without template or template. Imagine curves, hollows, crisscrosses, volutes, fine lines, thick lines or variable thickness. Look at the few examples below. Let yourself go! The more one practices the free folding, the more one discovers possibilities of expression by varying the folds that one will make.

There is also a branch combining folding and cutting (Cut and Fold Books). In addition to the usual folds, we can make cuts, notches, which allows to give patterns in relief. A very good document in English can be downloaded here . It takes a lot of patience and precision!

A good example of realization is photographed below. Thanks to Christiane Werth who gave the authorization to use her photo!

1 document(s) to download

mlpaplies.pdf Pliage des pages d'un livre, 2 pages

7 photo(s)

b Livre-sculpture
Michel Lucas

Three lines of folds

b Folded book - study n ° 3, detail

b Folded Book - study n° 4
Michel Lucas

b Folded Book - study n° 4
Michel Lucas

b Livre-sculpture
Michel Lucas

Blume des Lebens, Christiane Werth

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