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Discovery of the world of folding paper The tools of the folder |
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Extreme origami |
If you are wondering about the size limit of paper to use, or the number of parts needed to make a beautiful modular, here are some examples of extraordinary achievements: * on the gigantism side - Sipho Mabona, among other masterpieces, has folded a Giant Elephant Measuring over three meters tall. He used a single sheet of paper measuring 15 x 15 meters. - Gérard Ty Sovann, a great French artist, is the specialist in the folding of life-sized animals. For example, his big lion, made in 1993, is 8.50 m long and 4.50 m high and weighs 130 kg. This animal was folded in a square of kraft paper 25 m side. Gerard Ty Sovann frequently exposes dozens of animals more real than nature: birds, giraffe, horses, pumas, fish, etc. You can see this work on his site Origami, the art of folding . Gerard Ty Sovann kindly provided three pictures of his animals. - Robert J. Lang has made a pteranodon giant described in a very interesting article in English. - a video showing the folding of a giant crane by Dung Van Meerbeeck. - a collection of 15 giant origami /% installations that will amaze you. - a video showing /% https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgVAqFER4lI % paper giant horses folded folded by a Slovenian artist. - a video showing Julien Gritte and his team folding a big horse. * on the miniaturization side - Gérard Ty Sovann also obtained a « Guiness World Record » with his extraordinary Garden of Eden comprising 1500 pieces (decor not included), made entirely with squares measuring between 3.5 mm and 4 mm side. You can see this work on his site Origami, the art of folding . Gerard Ty Sovann kindly provided a photo of his Garden of Eden. - Daniel Xu is a folder renowned for his folding speed and the small size of the models he makes. Take a look at his Facebook page and look at the photos of his folds: they are all accompanied by a coin that gives an idea of their size. - for patience work, see Tinygami Stacie Tamaki's work. - Anja Markiewicz invites you to contemplate the tips of her fingers on her Flickr account . * countless modules - Fumi Ikeshima created a chair composed of 35,000 Chinese modules. - two menger sponges of order 3 were created by Jeanine Moseley and Michel Lucas with 66,048 business cards for one, bus ticket for the other. - a 4th order Menger sponge was braided by Serena Cicalò . She used about 21 km of strips of paper measuring 1.2 cm wide! And many other feats are on the web. Finally, the size of the paper does not matter ... |
6 photo(s)
![]() Animals, design, folding and photo by Gérard Ty Sovann | ![]() Animals, design, folding and photo by Gérard Ty Sovann | ![]() Animals, design, folding and photo by Gérard Ty Sovann |
![]() The Garden of Eden, design, folding and photo by Gérard Ty Sovann | ![]() Menger Sponge Level 3 made of 66.048 bus tickets Michel Lucas | ![]() Menger Sponge level 4, design, folding and photo by Serena Cicalò |