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Unusual folds
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Folded books
Everyone knows someone who has folded book into a a hedgehog. This hedgehog is folding books what the paper casserole is the art of folding paper: a well-known object that hides the complexity of the field!

There are two major types of folding books:
- those using a template to fold a given form (for example the book of « Hearts » or the « Horse »),
- those giving free rein to the imagination of the bender.

Both techniques have their interest, and the result is always amazing!

10 photo(s)

Folded Book - study n° 3
Michel Lucas

Folded book - study n ° 3, detail

Folded Books - study n° 1
Michel Lucas

Folded Book - study n° 4
Michel Lucas

Folded Book - study n° 5 : Hearts

Folded Book - study n° 6 : Horse
Michel Lucas

Michel Lucas

Michel Lucas

Michel Lucas

Michel Lucas

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