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The living world
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Here is an area that has been much explored. Since the first butterflies with only a body and wings, we have seen grow antennas, legs, a trunk, all without giving a single scissors. Some models have been extensively studied, such as the Hercules beetle. Some insects resist, like the ladybug: its black spots are decidedly very difficult to put in place!

21 photo(s)

Hercules Beetle
Satoshi Kamiya

Eupatorus gracilicornis
Robert J. Lang

Hercules Beetle
Makoto Yamaguchi

Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle
Makoto Yamaguchi

Eupatorius Gracilicornis
Quyêt Dào Cuong

Walking Stick (phasme)
Manuel Sirgo Alvarez

Escarabajo Violin
Manuel Sirgo Alvarez

Araña Tejedora
Manuel Sirgo Alvarez

Robert J. Lang

Patricia Crawford

Jozsef Zsebe

Manuel Sirgo Alvarez

Peter Engel

Jeremy Shafer

Kei Takeuchi

Candy Wrapper Butterflies
Michael Lafosse

Tropical Morpho Butturfly
Robert J. Lang

Alexander Aztec Swallowtail
Michael Lafosse

Evangéline Fritillary
Michael Lafosse

Heart Butterfly
Yannick Gardin

Miyoko Butterfly
Flaviane Koti

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