Card reference

Reference MFPP24
ISBN 97829556489-4-0
Type conference
Author Divers
Title Une collection de plis - Dijon, avril2024
Source MFPP
Year 2024
Pages 60
Collection of folds published on the occasion of the Dijon folding meetings, April 12-14, 2024
Very interesting due to the diversity and quality of the folds offered.

List of the 16 associated models

Reference Title Author Category Difficulty Base Page(s) Annotation Photo
MFPP24-16 3 Hex in Star Michel Grand ornament ***-57-59Nice
MFPP24-03 « Happy Wod » Ring Jannie van Shuylenburg ornament **modular14-15Quite good
MFPP24-15 Jumping Whale Jonathan Kreplak animate ***-54-57Nice
MFPP24-12 Duck Dominik Kazus bird ***-46-47Nice
MFPP24-08 « Gigia » chest (simplified version) Gigi Verri box **-34-35Nice
MFPP24-14 Bird Skull (Vanity of the Cocotologist) Aurčle Duda bird ***-51-53Nice
MFPP24-01 La chouette de Dijon Tetsuya Gotani bird ***-5-10Quite good
MFPP24-06 The Goose That Lays Golden Eggs Viviane Berty animate **-19-23Quite good
MFPP24-11 « Carrot hair » mask Thierry Testa character ***waterbomb44-45Done
MFPP24-09 Truncated Octahedron Francesco Decio polyhedron ***modular36-41Nice
MFPP24-13 Bird Aurčle Duda bird --48-50Quite good
MFPP24-02 Easter Treat Basket Jannie van Shuylenburg utility **-11-13Quite good
MFPP24-10 Football-Fish Keigo Matsuda fish ***waterbomb42-43worth no interest
MFPP24-07 Smart Kids Pierre-Yves Gallard character ***-24-33Quite good
MFPP24-05 Askew Vase Robert Loubet vase **modular18Good
MFPP24-04 Willem's Vaart Jannie van Shuylenburg utility **modular-Quite good