Card reference

Reference Diaz06
ISBN 1-84424-046-1
Type book
Author Roman Diaz
Title Origami for Interpreters
Source Passion Origami Collection
Year 2006
Pages 160
R. Diaz offers an outstanding book, enlighting as well the notions of complexity of folding as the importance of the final artistic touch.

In a first part, R. Diaz presents the basics of what he calls « Origami for interpreters ». He puts into light the complementarity of the technical difficulty and the difficulty of the rendition (modelling the shapes).

In the second part, 21 models of animals are presented, from simple to complex. The folding sequences are not so difficult, but the final result depends heavily on your ability to model the shapes. Not so simple...

This book allows us to spend intense hours of folding.

List of the 21 associated models

Reference Title Author Category Difficulty Base Page(s) Annotation Photo
Diaz06-12 Novillo Roman Diaz animal ***-85-90Good
Diaz06-06 Cachalote Roman Diaz fish **-57-60--
Diaz06-05 Gato Roman Diaz animal **-53-56Good
Diaz06-13 Caballo Roman Diaz animal ***fish91-96Good
Diaz06-14 Fox terrier Roman Diaz animal ***-97-103-
Diaz06-03 Cachorro Roman Diaz miscelleanous **-46-48--
Diaz06-04 Paloma de la paz Roman Diaz bird **-49-52Good
Diaz06-01 Gallito Roman Diaz bird **-41-43Done
Diaz06-11 Coyote Roman Diaz animal ***-81-84Done
Diaz06-07 Craneo de vaca Roman Diaz miscelleanous **bird61-63Nice
Diaz06-15 Cambaco Roman Diaz animal ***-104-111Good
Diaz06-18 Grulla Roman Diaz object ***-123-129Very nice
Diaz06-21 Hippocampus Roman Diaz fish ****-147-157Remarkable
Diaz06-20 Unicornio Roman Diaz mythology ***-138-146Good
Diaz06-10 Gorrion Roman Diaz bird **-75-80Done-
Diaz06-08 Anade Roman Diaz bird **kite64-67Nice
Diaz06-09 Panda Roman Diaz animal ***-68-74--
Diaz06-02 Pingüino saliendo del cascaron Roman Diaz bird **-44-45Nice
Diaz06-19 El secretario Roman Diaz bird ****-130-137Very nice
Diaz06-16 Cabeza de leone Roman Diaz animal ***-112-117Very nice
Diaz06-17 Cabeza de tigre Roman Diaz animal ***-118-122Very nice-