Card reference

Reference Kirschenbaum19
ISBN 9781099244896
Type book
Author Marc Kirschenbaum
Title Paper in Motion - A Collection of Origami Vehicles
Source Print Publishing Inc.
Year 2019
Pages 169
Mark Kirschenbaum offers us a nice collection of boats, bikes, cars, planes and spaceships. An original inspiration combined with the use of sometimes daring folding techniques make this book a marvel. The knowledgeable folder will find much pleasure in overcoming these 14 models. A short but very interesting technical section (sandwich paper, wet folding, back coating, dry wiring) completes the book.
A little regret: some diagrams are very difficult to read, because of a wrong choice of colors. But the texts accompanying the vignettes help well!

List of the 14 associated models

Reference Title Author Category Difficulty Base Page(s) Annotation Photo
Kirschenbaum19-09 Catching a Plane Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-103-115--
Kirschenbaum19-02 Sailboat Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-17-28Nice
Kirschenbaum19-01 Ship in a Bottle Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-10-16Quite good
Kirschenbaum19-04 Bicycle Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-38-54Quite good
Kirschenbaum19-08 Biplane Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-90-102Good
Kirschenbaum19-07 Dune Buggy Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-86-89Nice
Kirschenbaum19-03 Penny-farthing Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-29-37Quite good
Kirschenbaum19-12 Chopper Marc Kirschenbaum transportation **-141-144Nice
Kirschenbaum19-11 Helicoper Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-133-140Quite good
Kirschenbaum19-10 Monoplane Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-116-132Quite good
Kirschenbaum19-13 Satellite Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-145-152Quite good
Kirschenbaum19-14 Spaceship Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ***-153-160Nice
Kirschenbaum19-06 Classical Car Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ****-70-85Good
Kirschenbaum19-05 Prehistoric Car Marc Kirschenbaum transportation ****bird55-69Quite good