Card reference

Reference TySovann08
ISBN 978-2-84167-545-6
Type book
Author Gérard Ty Sovann
Title Origami - Animaux protégés
Source Editions Didier Carpentier
Year 2008
Pages 47
Very interesting book, prefaced by Brigitte Bardot.
It includes 11 models, such as polar bear, dolphin and a marvelous flying goose.
Diagrams are excellent, which allow us to apreciate Ty Sovann's technique. All models are intermediate ones.
I do recommend this book.

List of the 12 associated models

Reference Title Author Category Difficulty Base Page(s) Annotation Photo
TySovann08-03 Baleine bleue Gérard Ty Sovann fish **-12-14Nice
TySovann08-07 Dauphin Gérard Ty Sovann fish **-24-27Quite good
TySovann08-08 Eléphant Gérard Ty Sovann animal ***-28-31Good
TySovann08-02 Fou de bassan Gérard Ty Sovann bird **-10-11Done
TySovann08-12 Grand duc Gérard Ty Sovann bird ***-44-48Nice
TySovann08-10 Loup gris Gérard Ty Sovann animal ***-36-39Done
TySovann08-04 Manchot empereur Gérard Ty Sovann bird **-15-17Done
TySovann08-01 Mérou brun Gérard Ty Sovann fish **-8-9Nice
TySovann08-06 Oie cendrée au repos Gérard Ty Sovann bird **-21-23Quite good
TySovann08-05 Oie cendrée en vol Gérard Ty Sovann bird **-18-20Good
TySovann08-11 Ours polaire Gérard Ty Sovann animal ***-40-43Quite good
TySovann08-09 Tortue olivâtre Gérard Ty Sovann animal ***-32-35Nice