Card reference

Reference Montroll02
ISBN 1-877656-16-X
Type book
Author John Montroll
Title A Plethora of Polyedra in Origami
Source Antroll Publishing Company
Year 2002
Pages 120

2 photos

Incredible book, with 27 polyhedra, all folded within one square piece of paper!
The upmost precision is necessary, but also the upmost attention, particularly when closing the volumes. It is so easy to get lost!
A masterpiece in the Art of paper folding.

List of the 27 associated models

Reference Title Author Category Difficulty Base Page(s) Annotation Photo
Montroll02-02 Cube John Montroll polyhedron **-14-15Nice
Montroll02-21 Sunken Cube John Montroll polyhedron ***-80-84Quite good
Montroll02-16 Cubehemioctahedron John Montroll polyhedron ***-60-62Quite good
Montroll02-05 Decahedron John Montroll polyhedron **-23-24Nice
Montroll02-09 Heptagonal Dipyramid John Montroll polyhedron **-38-41Nice
Montroll02-08 Hexagonal Dipyramid John Montroll polyhedron **-35-37Nice
Montroll02-10 Pentagonal Dipyramid John Montroll polyhedron **-31-34Nice
Montroll02-07 Triangular Dipyramid John Montroll polyhedron **-27-30Nice
Montroll02-27 Dodecahedron John Montroll polyhedron ****-110-115Good
Montroll02-22 Sunken Dodecahedron John Montroll polyhedron ****-85-89Good
Montroll02-25 Rhombic Dodecahedron John Montroll polyhedron ***-100-104Nice
Montroll02-14 Six-Pointed Star John Montroll polyhedron **-54-56Quite good
Montroll02-17 Heptahedron John Montroll polyhedron ***-63-66Nice
Montroll02-06 Double Diamond Hexahedron John Montroll polyhedron **-25-26Nice
Montroll02-04 Icosahedron John Montroll polyhedron ***-18-21Quite good
Montroll02-23 Sunken Icosahedron John Montroll polyhedron ****-90-94Good
Montroll02-03 Octahedron John Montroll polyhedron **-16-17Nice
Montroll02-18 Dimpled Octahedron John Montroll polyhedron ***-67-70Nice
Montroll02-19 Sunken Octahedron John Montroll polyhedron **-72-74Quite good
Montroll02-15 Octahemioctahedron John Montroll polyhedron ***-57-59Nice
Montroll02-13 Hexagonal Prisme John Montroll polyhedron **-49-52Nice
Montroll02-12 Pentagonal Prism John Montroll polyhedron **-45-48Nice
Montroll02-11 Triangular Prism John Montroll polyhedron **-42-44Nice
Montroll02-01 Tetrahedron John Montroll polyhedron *-12-13Nice
Montroll02-20 Sunken Tetrahedron John Montroll polyhedron ***-75-79Quite good
Montroll02-24 Triakis Tetrahedron John Montroll polyhedron ***-96-99Good
Montroll02-26 Pentagonal TrapezoHedron John Montroll polyhedron ****-105-109Quite good